Join Us

Your help is essential for us to continue working.
We want to be where a woman needs help, promoting her training and improving her abilities to find a job.

Personal or company collaborations are essential for us to continue working.

How to collaborate with us:


If you want to join our free programs you can become one of our users. We won’t ask you anything, just to get ready to have the best trainings. We’ll offer you free and subsidized courses or with low cost title.


If you want to contribute your time, your knowledge and your desire to improve the situation of Libyan women.

We need your help and experience for developing the training courses for the volunteers.


We will allocate your donation where it is most needed at the moment.

In this way you help us finance the training courses and the women’s house.

Help us to arrive to all the Libyan Women who needs it.


A committed volunteer that believes in social change towards a more just society.

A service that embodies, through its participation, values such as solidarity, gratuity, equality …

Become a Volunteer!


We develop alliances with different companies from key sectors of the economy, who want to help improve the world.

If you want to become partner you can help us make a real change for the Libyan Women.

In addition, you can also:

Support and raise awareness

Help us spread our action by sharing the projects and campaigns in which we work.

Follow us on social networks so that you can keep up to date with everything we do.