Our Projects

Our projects

From Libyan Women NGO, we want to promote projects to help Libyan women in their daily life. Our projects are to be developed in the next ten years. All have been agreed with our team of women in Libya, based on the most urgent, we have put an initial order, where light, water and training, have priority, for the daily need of a minimum infrastructure.
We have worked in the hope of being able to change the lives of Libyan women and girls a little bit, to give them the hope that is necessary to live and be able to educate and face the new day.
We thank all the women who are participating in this project, which is more than 3,600 women and girls.

Libyan Women NGO will develop the following projects:

  1. Home for Women.
  2. More Woman
  3. Lead your life
  4. Women in Action
  5. Employability and Entrepreneurship
  6. Women and war
  7. Training courses.
  8. Electricity and water for women.
  9. Women vote.
  10. Mentoring.

Women in Action

Home for Women is our most ambitious and moving project.

We plan to build a shelter in the Janzour (Tripoli), with room for 100 women and their children who are in distress due to the recent war conflict. We want them to find shelter and food in the women’s home, but also a safe environment in which they can heal their physical and/or emotional wounds and hope for a possible future.

We are developing a housing project to welcome women in situations of extreme vulnerability.

Given the war situation, it accentuates the vulnerability of women and their children.
For this we have developed a “Women’s Home” project in the city of Janzour, Tripoli (Libya).

With a plot of 1.000m2, we want to build a 4-storey house that can accommodate more than 100 women with their dependent children.

Do you want to help us carry it out?
We need:

  • 25,000 $ for the purchase of the land.
  • 1 million dollars for the construction and complete construction of 2,500 m2.
  • 100,000 $ for household equipment expenses.

Total: $ 1,125,000 for the development of the Women’s Home for more than 100 women and their children.Within this project, 25 psychologists, 10 social workers and 25 security personnel will work.

When women become aware of their own worth, their quality of life and emotional well-being increases. Only then can they have an impact on their environment that leads to building more equal and just societies.
We contribute to the development of women’s hard and soft skills as a tool for personal growth and projection into society.
We rely on training that promotes these skills, but also on testimonials of women whose experience is a learning experience from which we can all benefit.

Self-development and Motivation, an online course taught in Arabic by Rania Algelane whose objective is to promote women’s self-esteem and enhance their capacity for self-motivation. The course has been available on our website since  September 2020 and 250 students have benefited from it.

Time Management, an online course, taught in English whose objective is to learn how to work more efficiently, avoiding wasting time with elements that distract the person from their objectives. The course is self-taught and is completed in three weeks. It has been available on our website since September 2020 and  175 students have benefited from it.

Lead your life is a programme of talks aimed at promoting the intrapersonal skills of Libyan women, to help strengthen their personal or intrapersonal leadership.
We will analyse the key aspects of leadership from Spanish leaders of recognised prestige in a wide range of fields, from business to academia.
We will reinforce our message with testimonies of overcoming various women on both sides of the Mediterranean.
These talks, which will take place in Spain, will be recorded and translated in order to make them available to our Libyan partners who form our association.

Employment, which gives women economic independence, is the cornerstone of egalitarian societies. In Libya, it has three facets: educational, self-advocacy and political-social.
Training: We offer our associates professional training programmes to develop their skills for both employment and entrepreneurship.
Self-advocacy: Women must be able to choose freely whether to work outside the home or not, without the need for external or internal family supervision.
Social policy: Libyan institutions are lacking in women in positions of responsibility and command. We want Libyan women to reclaim their role in decision-making positions, both public and private.
We at Libyan Women NGO are determined to ensure that women in Libya have equal access to employment.

We want to create spaces where women can come together around their own concerns. They will be small communities where they can share knowledge, concerns, interests… Synergies will be created between them that will support and encourage them; real women’s networks, spaces of freedom for them.

I offer you what I know. We offer our platform so that the woman who wishes to do so can teach others. A way of putting their skills to use and making them available to others. Two courses have already been given: guitar and painting. They remain on our platform at the disposal of our associates.

Talk and Coffee. Every month, we hold meetings around a cup of coffee, in which we discuss topics of interest to our associates. In each of these meetings we give a talk or give the opportunity to one of our women associates to give it.

Employment, which gives women economic independence, is the touchstone of egalitarian societies. In Libya, this problem has three facets: training, self-advocacy and social-political.
It is just as necessary to strengthen women’s training for employment and self-employment as it is for them to discover their own abilities and the advantages that accrue to them personally when they enter the world of work. Not forgetting, of course, the obligation to work in order to eliminate the employment restrictions that prevent women from accessing certain types of work.
We at Libyan Women NCO are determined to ensure that women in Libya can access employment on an equal basis.

Entrepreneurship, part 1: Business Creation (First Edition): Self-study course, taught in English. Knowledge and tools are provided to start up your own business following the Canvas methodology, and finishing the course with the creation of a Business Plan. We offer access to Creator Academy YouTube and freelance websites so that students can start generating their own income from the very first moment. The course is available from December 2020, for 30 students. There are 513 enrolments.
Projects that are considered viable will be entered into the mentoring programme: Entrepreneurship, part 2: Mentoring.

Digital marketing course. Social networks are the present and future of any business. It is absolutely necessary to know how to use them, to know the internal workings of positioning and to be able to gain followers and presence in the networks. With this course you will learn the rudiments of positioning on the main platforms and tools: Google, Facebook, Instagram, Canva, Buffer. It is a 12-week self-study course. It will be available from December 2020 for 50 students.

Entrepreneurship, part 2: Mentoring. We accompany women and young people who have been selected, after passing Entrepreneurship, part 1: Creation of Companies, in the process that goes from the gestation of the idea to the real start of the business.
To do this they will have personalised mentoring from professionals with experience in the creation and management of companies.
Networking meetings will be held between the students and different Libyan businesswomen to discuss progress and ideas.
Likewise, we will sign a collaboration agreement to promote lines of microcredit to finance these projects.

Entrepreneurship, part 3: The experience of the CEOs Our programmes for promoting entrepreneurship will be reinforced by the advice of large CEOs and entrepreneurs. By means of webinars, developed in English, our students will be able to enrich themselves with the experience of the speakers and explain to them their doubts about the business idea they have proposed.

Nine years of civil war have had a devastating effect on many women and their children, who now find themselves without the minimum guarantees of personal security and livelihood.
Our aim is to meet their basic needs for shelter, food and security, to give them psychological support and to prepare them to face their future with hope.

We have developed a series of courses to achieve our lines of action. Learning is the foundation of our Organization and we want to offer it free or subsidized for women incorporated into our programs.
We will provide training courses so that women can build their capacities, we will offer civic and voting education, as well as gender equality awareness campaigns.
Likewise, courses with reduced prices may be provided by agreements reached with the Universities and Ministries.
We want to take a step forward in the training of women, inserting innovation and technology that offers unique opportunities to break down barriers and reach all people so that no one is left behind.

Libyan Women will offer the following training courses in a first phase:

  • Courses in new technologies and knowledge of social networks.
  • Female empowerment courses.
  • Language courses.
  • COVID prevention and disease treatment courses.
  • Business creation courses for women.
  • Web page creation courses.

In Libya there is drinking water that reaches the vast majority of houses in the most important population centers, however, the purification of water is not carried out according to the quality standard that is required by the United Nations for the habitual consumption which can cause diseases.
We will start the search for funds to install water treatment plants in the water extraction wells so that it can be consumable for everyone.
During the war there are continuous power outages in homes, schools and universities.
This means being isolated for many hours without electricity, internet and without the possibility of remote study currently in the situation posed by COVID-19.
We will seek development aid to promote projects for new sources of energy (mainly solar) to avoid power outages in homes and schools. Which will also mean avoiding fossil fuels so common in the country.


To prosper, people must have basic infrastructure to ensure adequate living conditions. That is why we promote projects that help women to get out of poverty and precariousness.

Sunlight. The supply of electricity in Libya is very precarious: it does not cover 24 hours a day and even so, they suffer continuous and prolonged cuts, sometimes for whole days. Without electricity there is no school, no work, no development.
We have planned the construction of a solar energy plant which, as well as making up for the lack of electricity, will be a centre of innovation for the study of renewable energies. We are committed to a sustainable future for Libya, with clean renewable energies.
Our facility will have 2,365 solar panels capable of producing 685,579 W each.
The development and implementation of the solar panels and batteries, as well as the piping to the electricity supply network, will be carried out by a local Libyan company.
We have the collaboration of the Janzour Town Hall, the Libyan National Electricity Company, the Company for the Development of New Technologies, the Janzour Ministry of Social Affairs, the University of Tripoli and the Polytechnic University.
We promote sustainable development to meet the major challenges we face.

Source: RTVE

The reconstruction of the country goes through the great importance of the knowledge of democracy.
The participation of women in political life is essential; their participation in both voting and elections is key to achieving the rights that still need to be achieved in relation to women in Libya.
Women will be supported to vote in local elections through the programs already carried out by the United Nations in Libya, as well as legal and legal assistance will be given to all those who wish to run as candidates or part of a list.
We believe that the incorporation of women in this new stage in political life is basic and fundamental for the proper development of the country and its democracy.

We will ask Spanish, European and North African politicians for assistance through webinars or in person if possible, to explain their experience in politics.
Libyan women must see their peers in important positions that allow them to see that they can achieve that goal and beyond.

We have developed a mentoring program.
Successful entrepreneurs will sponsor the projects of our women and help them launch and develop them fully.

Mentoring consists of creating a helping relationship between a mentor who transmits his experience and knowledge to a student, who wants to learn and develop.

The objectives of this system are, among others:

  • Increase knowledge.
  • Improve trust between colleagues.
  • Increase motivation.
  • Learn to communicate better.
  • Increase the autonomy and initiative of individuals.
  • Improve the level of knowledge of the organization.

This practice also offers a series of advantages for the company:

  • Development of new talents.
  • Ensure the generational change of key positions.
  • Attract and retain talent.
  • Improve the work environment.

Spanish Course. Level A1 (First Edition): Our Spanish course was taught online and is reinforced with face-to-face classes in Tripoli. The Libyan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce provides all the required material. It enables students to obtain the corresponding qualification from the Cervantes Institute. It lasts 3 months, has been available from August to November and has benefited 200 people.

Business Course. Through our new platform you will have access to all the necessary materials for the development of a business. With complete material so that you are totally self-taught.

Digital Marketing Course. Social networks are the present and future of the world.
Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to know how to use them in order to develop our business. As well as knowing the internal functioning of positioning and being able to gain not only followers, but presence and economic report.

Time Management Course. An online course, taught in English whose objective is to learn how to work more efficiently, avoiding wasting time with elements that distract the person from their objectives. The course is self-taught and is completed in three weeks. It has been available on our website since September 2020 and  175 students have benefited from it.

Self Development and Motivation Course.  An online course taught in Arabic by Rania Algelane whose objective is to promote women’s self-esteem and enhance their capacity for self-motivation. The course has been available on our website since September 2020 and 250 students have benefited from it.

English course. Level A1 (Eighth edition): Our English course is taught online and reinforced with face-to-face classes in Tripoli. The Libyan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce provides all the required material. Students who pass the course are certified. It lasts 3 months. It will be available from August 2020 for 30 students.

English course. Level A2 (Fourth edition): Our English course is taught online and reinforced with face-to-face classes in Tripoli. The Libyan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce provides all the required material. Students who pass the course are certified. It lasts 3 months. It will be available from August 2020 for 30 students.

French course. Level A1 (Fourth Edition): Our French course is given online and is reinforced with face-to-face classes in Tripoli. The Libyan-Spanish Chamber of Commerce provides all the required material. Students who pass the course are certified. It lasts 3 months. It will be available from August 2020 for 30 students.

Spanish Course. Level A1 (Eighth Edition): Our Spanish course is given online and is reinforced with face-to-face classes in Tripoli. The Libyan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce provides all the required material. It enables students to obtain the corresponding qualification from the Cervantes Institute. It lasts 3 months. It will be available from August 2020 for 30 students.

Spanish Course. Level A2 (Fourth Edition): Our Spanish course is given online and is reinforced with face-to-face classes in Tripoli. The Libyan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce provides all the required material. It enables students to obtain the corresponding qualification from the Cervantes Institute. It lasts 3 months. It will be available from August 2020 for 30 students.

Business Course (Eighth Edition). Through our new platform you will have access to all the necessary materials for the development of a business. With complete material so that you are totally self-taught. It will be available from August 2020.

Digital Marketing Course (Eighth Edition). Social networks are the present and future of the world.
Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to know how to use them in order to develop our business. As well as knowing the internal functioning of positioning and being able to gain not only followers, but presence and economic report. With complete material so that you are totally self-taught. It will be available from August 2020.

Time Management Course (Eighth Edition). At present we waste a large part of our time on social networks. From Libyan Women we want to help you develop all the keys to time management. Time management allows us not only to save time, but to learn to work more effectively and generate more income from different sources.With complete material so that you are totally self-taught. It will be available from August 2020.

Self Development and Motivation Course (Eighth Edition). An essential course at the moment.
With more than 200K followers in Facebook, this amazing girl decided to collaborate with our cause. With complete material so that you are totally self-taught. It will be available from August 2020.