Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations, thanks to its 2030 Agenda, has set the Goals for Sustainable Development (SDG, hereinafter).

We seek to help implement the SDGs in the new government of Libya, likewise, make them known to its civil society so that they become aware of the importance of protecting the planet, that there is peace and prosperity in all corners of the world, the climate change, equality, among many others.

All are essential to achieve a prosperous country and a smooth transition to democracy that allows a government elected by its fellow citizens.

Our programs will be based on the following SDGs, and can be expanded at any time to continue meeting the 17 objectives:

Goal 1: End of poverty.

  • The current military conflict in the Libyan country has led to the loss of heritage and economic capacity of thousands of people, especially affecting women and immigrants living in the country.
  • Libya supported around 8 million annual immigration before the war, which has led to great social inequality.

Goal 4: Ensure inclusive, equitable and quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

  • One of the first measures that we will initiate to mobilize resources and implement innovative solutions will be the organization of fundraisers for the purchase of computers and tablets for women and girls enrolled in the program.
  • Also we will look for other energy sources and help avoiding the blackouts in the particular homes.

Goal 5: Gender Equality and empowerment of women and girls.

  • We will empower groups of women from all the 17 tribes coexisting actually in Libya.
  • Inequality has increased with the appearance of COVID-19, but this pandemic provides a new opportunity to take measures to compensate for these inequalities.
  • All our programs will be based in the Goal 5 to achieve the other Goals.

Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth.

  • We will empower networking courses with enterprising Libyan women.
  • CEOs of the most important companies of Europe will do webinars with the associates of Libyan Women to empower their objectives and help them to achieve results.
  • We will train in specific training courses the associates to offer their CV to international companies.
  • We will develop training courses in startups and female entrepreneurship.

Goal 10: Reduction of inequalities.

  • Helping the voulnerable group of women and young girls.
  • Developing the country through the traning programs who will empower and allow the women to break the gender gap.

Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions.

  • After long years in conflict, it is essential that women play an essential role in the restoration of peace and democratic transition.
  • We will empower women to attend the local elections.
  • Develop the known the importance of the elections and the participation of the women.